Lost a Pet?

It Can Happen to Anyone
Remember, anyone can lose a pet when it digs out of the yard or bolts out the door.

Current Photo
Make sure that you always have a recent good quality photo of your pet, so that you can post signs or even prove that a found pet is yours.

Microchipped & Tags
Remember, if you ALWAYS keep your pet microchipped AND wearing tags you will have a good chance of having your pet returned to you directly. Make sure your microchip registration is up to date!

Post Signs
Post signs with basic information in big letters at major intersections nearby so more people see the sign. Laminate your signs or put in sheet protectors so that they will last in harsh weather.

Tell Neighbors
Tell your neighbors that you are looking for your pet and give them a description.

Local Shelters
Search the listings for your lost pet on Pet Harbor , HSPCA Found Pets , BARC and other area shelters to see if someone may have picked up your pet and brought them to a shelter.

Area Search
Search the area where the animal was last seen, it often has not wandered far.

Drive Around
Drive around your neighborhood to look for the animal, or for found signs.
NextDoor.com & Other Social Media Sites
Post your lost animal with nearest intersection of where the animal was last seen and a photo. Facebook has many groups for specific areas where you can post lost and found pets.
Register your pet on PawBoost to get the word out about your lost pet to many local people and sites (some parts of the site are free).
Look at Petkey.org a worldwide lost & found pet recovery database (some parts of the site are free).
Found a Pet?

Large Yard Sign
Make a large sign and place it in your yard. That allows anyone looking for the animal to locate it even when it is safe inside your house or in your backyard.

Scan Microchip
Take the animal to a vet to have it scanned for a microchip. If the animal is chipped it can be reunited with its owner right now. All vets will scan a found animal for free. There are several 24 hour vets available.

Rabies Tag / Vet Tag
Rabies vaccination tags or other vet tags even without address/phone number tag can still allow you to find the owner through their rabies certification number – ask a vet if you need help.

Post Signs
Post signs with basic information in big letters at major intersections nearby so more people see the sign. TIP: Laminate your signs or put in sheet protectors so that they will last in harsh weather.

Tell Neighbors
Tell your neighbors that you found an animal in case they know who it belongs to.

Local Shelters
Search the listings for lost animals on Pet Harbor , HSPCA Found Pets , BARC and other area shelters. Follow up on any possibilities.
NextDoor.com & Other Social Media Sites
Post your lost animal with nearest intersection of where the animal was last seen and a photo. Facebook has many groups for specific areas where you can post lost and found pets.
Register the found pet on PawBoost to get the word out to many local people and sites (some parts of the site are free).
PLEASE NOTE: For the safety of the animal, never release an animal without proof of ownership (such as being able to describe something about the animal that you have not released to the public or having the possible owner show you a photo of the animal that they took and vet records).
***Consider Fostering...
Consider fostering the animal or find a friend or neighbor who can foster the animal while searching for the owner. Becoming the foster can be the difference between life and death for the animal you found.
If you decide to foster or find someone to foster, contact us for help. We provide vetting, food, pet beds, crates, etc. to help people willing to foster until a forever home can be found.
Helpful Links
Post photos and information of lost/found pets here.
Post photos and information of lost/found pets in the lost/found community section of Craigslist. Do not post found pets as free to a good home. In your found pet ads, always say that you will require proof of ownership before returning a pet (vet records/photos).
Owners can email photos and pet description to lostandfound@houstonhumane.org and a staff member will personally check their found animal area and reply.
If you have a found animal, call 713-869-7722 and make an appointment. If you have lost a pet you can search here:
Search listings for your lost pet, or create your own listing for a pet you have found.
Find your perfect match!
Contact CAP to see if they may have your lost pet, or to register a pet you have found.
Post and search for lost and found pets. Info is shared with local people and sites.
There are many groups specifically designated to help reunite pets with their owners.
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