Meet a few fosters who could use your help!


Vegetarian & Vibrant!


A Ball of Energy!


A Special Senior.


A Gentle Giant!


Sweet and Special.

Cares Club

Support our special-needs fosters by joining the Cares Club today!

Houston Cares is dedicated to finding loving homes for every animal in need. Sometimes, this means providing extended care until we find the perfect match.

Some Houston Cares fosters have special needs or are waiting for the perfect home for their particular personality, requiring extended care, medications, vet visits, and training. A Cares Club sponsorship is a monthly gift of $25 or more, ensuring your sponsored animal receives the support they need to stay safe and healthy until they find their forever family.

Your Cares Club Membership includes:

  • Monthly exclusive photos and videos of the sponsored animals
  • Monthly exclusive updates on the sponsored animals.
  • Opportunity to gift your monthly sponsorship in someoneā€™s honor.
  • Easy to use automatic payments through Donorbox that you can cancel anytime!


Join Cares Club Today!

make great gifts!

The perfect gift for the animal lover in your life!

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